Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boost Your Body Image

Boost Your Body Image Written by: Duke Diet & Fitness When you think of your body, what thoughts come to mind? Do you focus on what's "wrong"? Do you feel embarrassed about your body? Like so many people who struggle with weight, you may find it difficult — or perhaps not even know how to work toward a healthier relationship with your own body. But you can learn to accept and appreciate yourself. A healthy lifestyle is about more than eating well and exercising it is about accepting and embracing your body and treating it well. It's not about waiting until you've reached some ideal weight or some particular goal before learning to notice what's good about yourself and your body. After all, staying motivated requires that we celebrate every success. Maybe your clothes feel a little looser or you're feeling better about the way you look it's important to notice all the steps along the way. Remember, few people fit into or can ever obtain the supermodel standard of beauty. Yet, media images bombarding us with cellulite-free thighs, rock-hard abs, and a flat tummy distort our own body image and can leave us feeling inferior if we feel we don't measure up. This week, pay particular attention to the messages you send yourself about your body. Are they mainly negative? If so, practice replacing them with more self-accepting thoughts. Take a look in the mirror and find the things about your body that you like, and say that you like them out loud. Start thinking of your body as something special that deserves your great care and attention. SOURCE: DUKE DIET & FITNESS -

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