Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boost Your Metabolism

Here's Tip 1 of 10 to help to instantly increase your metabolism... TIP 1: Eat a supportive meal every 3 to 3 ½ hours. This routine has the tremendous power to rev up your metabolism. The more often you eat supportive foods throughout the day the easier it will be to burn fat. Why? Every time you eat your metabolism goes up! Supportive foods require more energy to be digested. This is called the "thermic effect" of food (calories used to digest food) and is part of the reason why, when you begin to eat the supportively you are going to feel like you are eating what appears to be a tremendous amount of food. That's because you're taking out so many of those empty calorie foods and replacing them with high quality proteins and complex , nutrient rich carbohydrates. To truly grasp the metabolism concept - picture your metabolism as a fire. The food you eat will fuel this fire. The stronger your fire burns, the more calories and fat your body will burn. But if you don't replenish the fuel often enough, the fire will die down which means your body is burning less calories (energy). So, if you don't eat often enough, your metabolism slows down and you don't burn through calories very quickly. Worse yet, your body will begin storing almost everything that you do eat as fat! In essence, every time you starve yourself in your honest effort to "lose weight", you are actually slowing down your metabolism as well as making your body more efficient at storing fat. Bonus: By eating frequently you will also have more control over your blood sugar levels. Controlling your blood sugar is key to suppressing your appetite and prevents fatigue. Download this exclusive BodyBot Meal Planner. It shows you the best "supportive" foods to eat. If you stick to the foods on this chart, you will be in great shape: ==> Enjoy the report with my compliments. Another way of thanking you for joining BodyBot.

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